Racial Justice Lunch and Learn Meetings

Racial Justice Lunch and Learn Meetings


Children’s Institute offers our staff voluntary Racial Justice Lunch and Learn Meetings. Attendance is consistent and strong; some staff attend regularly; others attend occasionally; we all have something to share and we are all learners. We've also invited Children’s Institute Board Members and our colleagues at Roc the Future and Common Ground to join with us as we work toward our personal and collective Cultural Humility goals. With funding from the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, we are making the content and format of these learning sessions accessible to the community.

Racial Justice Lunch and Learns are offered because they were easily doable within the workweek and help us move our organization forward. As Children’s Institute staff strives to understand America’s, our organization’s, and our own personal history with racism, especially as it pertains to anti-Black racism, several of the Racial Justice offerings were selected to provide knowledge “building blocks.” Videos were chosen to highlight key issues, writers and leaders, or current events such as COVID-19, the killings of George Floyd and Daniel Prude, the Black Lives Matter protests, violence against Asians and Pacific Islanders, or the national response to Critical Race Theory.

Almost all links for the Racial Justice Lunch and learns are free, available content on YouTube (usually Ted Talks) and do not in any way belong to Children’s Institute. “Additional resources”–articles and podcasts–are shared as relevant to the day’s topic and are mostly accessible links to all. However, at times a link may be behind a paywall (e.g., New York Times article) and is not (yet) available to anyone who is not a subscriber.

Our offerings to date are far from comprehensive in terms of addressing the history of race, power, and privilege in this country. However, as Children’s Institute continues to learn together, we will share additional content addressing racism targeting Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Muslims, and other communities of color. If your organization finds useful content, please share that as well by sending it to Ellen Leopold. We thank the United Way 21 Day Challenge for two videos that we chose to show as part of our Lunch and Learns.

Format outlining our processes for the Zoom Lunch and Learn Meetings

** NEW ** since September 2023:



Black History is American History

Clarissa Uprooted: Youth and Elders Uncover the History of Black Rochester

Dolores Huerta, Co-Founder of the United Farm Workers

Edison Tech Youth Document Structural Racism in Rochester Housing and the Effects Today; Biden's 2021 Executive Orders

Eminent Domain and Landmark Property Stolen Part 1: How Seneca Village Became Central Park

Eminent Domain and Landmark Property Stolen Part 2: How Chavez Ravine Became Dodger Stadium

Exodusters, Black Cowboys, and Buffalo Soldiers in the Black West Part 1

Frederick Douglass & What to the Slave is the 4th of July


MLK Talks 'New Phase' Of Civil Rights Struggle, 11 Months Before His Assassination

Redlining, the Federal Housing Administration and the Wealth Gap, Part 1

Redlining, the Federal Housing Administration and the Wealth Gap Part 2

Rochester Racism and Housing Patterns Part 1

Rochester Racism, Resistance and Housing Patterns - Shane Wiegand Part 1

Rochester Racism, Resistance and Housing Patterns - Shane Wiegand Part 2  

Saul Alinsky, Rev. Florence, FIGHT and Kodak

The Dangers of Whitewashing Black History

The Great Migration – Isabel Wilkerson

The New Jim Crow and US Mass Incarceration – Michelle Alexander

The Story and Implication of Seizing LA’s Bruce Beach from its Black Owners

Tulsa Race Massacre Survivors Testify

Why is Anti-Asian Racism on the Rise in the US?

America's Caste System – Isabel Wilkerson

At Work, Who Gets Heard and Who Gets Seen

Black History is American History

Black Women - Hair, Identity, and Bodily Autonomy

Clarissa Uprooted: Youth and Elders Uncover the History of Black Rochester

Edison Tech Youth Document Structural Racism in Rochester Housing and the Effects Today; Biden's 2021 Executive Orders

Exodusters, Black Cowboys, and Buffalo Soldiers in the Black West Part 1

Frederick Douglass & What to the Slave is the 4th of July


MLK Talks 'New Phase' Of Civil Rights Struggle, 11 Months Before His Assassination

Racism, Policing Practices, and Driving While Black

Rochester Racism and Housing Patterns Part 1

Rochester Racism, Resistance and Housing Patterns - Shane Wiegand Part 1

Rochester Racism, Resistance and Housing Patterns - Shane Wiegand Part 2  

Saul Alinsky, Rev. Florence, FIGHT and Kodak

The Dangers of Whitewashing Black History

The Great Migration – Isabel Wilkerson

The New Jim Crow and US Mass Incarceration – Michelle Alexander

The Story and Implication of Seizing LA’s Bruce Beach from its Black Owners

Tulsa Race Massacre Survivors Testify

Using the Term BIPOC

America's Caste System – Isabel Wilkerson

The New Jim Crow and US Mass Incarceration – Michelle Alexander

Critical Race Theory – is and isn't – Part 1

Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project – Part 2

Clarissa Uprooted: Youth and Elders Uncover the History of Black Rochester

Eminent Domain and Landmark Property Stolen Part 1: How Seneca Village Became Central Park

Eminent Domain and Landmark Property Stolen Part 2: How Chavez Ravine Became Dodger Stadium

The Story and Implication of Seizing LA’s Bruce Beach from its Black Owners

Implicit Bias Part 1 - How Implicit Bias Functions

Implicit Bias Part 2

Implicit Bias Part 3 - Implicit Bias and Microaggressions

Microaggressions in School Part 1

Microaggressions in School Part 2

Eminent Domain and Landmark Property Stolen Part 1: How Seneca Village Became Central Park

Indigenous Artists Speak Out

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Native American Adoptions and Indian Child Welfare Act Supreme Court Case Part 1

Native American Adoptions and Indian Child Welfare Act Supreme Court Case Part 2

US Boarding Schools and the Abuse of Native American Children

American Latinos, Latinas and Latinx Young Adults Center Their Stories

At Work, Who Gets Heard and Who Gets Seen

Dolores Huerta, Co-Founder of the United Farm Workers

Eminent Domain and Landmark Property Stolen Part 2: How Chavez Ravine Became Dodger Stadium

Language Barriers and Child Translators

The New Jim Crow and US Mass Incarceration – Michelle Alexander

Using Latina, Latino, Latine or LatinX


Redlining, the Federal Housing Administration and the Wealth Gap, Part 1

Redlining, the Federal Housing Administration and the Wealth Gap Part 2

How Racism Makes Us Sick

Social Determinant of Health and Tackling Health Disparities

The Case for Reparations Part 1

The Case for Reparations Part 2

Clarissa Uprooted: Youth and Elders Uncover the History of Black Rochester

Edison Tech Youth Document Structural Racism in Rochester Housing and the Effects Today; Biden's 2021 Executive Orders

Frederick Douglass & What to the Slave is the 4th of July

Rochester Racism and Housing Patterns Part 1

Rochester Racism, Resistance and Housing Patterns - Shane Wiegand Part 1

Rochester Racism, Resistance and Housing Patterns - Shane Wiegand Part 2  

Saul Alinsky, Rev. Florence, FIGHT and Kodak

Segregation in the Rochester City School District & Justin Murphy


Anti-Racist Educators and Relationship-Centered Restorative Schools

Black History is American History

Critical Race Theory – is and isn't – Part 1

Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project – Part 2

Dismantling White Supremacy in Education Part 1

Dismantling White Supremacy in Education Part 2

Edison Tech Youth Document Structural Racism in Rochester Housing and the Effects Today; Biden's 2021 Executive Orders

Examining Social and Emotional Learning through an Equity & Identity Lens

Language Barriers and Child Translators

Microaggressions in School Part 1

Microaggressions in School Part 2

Segregation in the Rochester City School District & Justin Murphy

The Dangers of Whitewashing Black History

Why English Class is Silencing Students of Color

American Latinos, Latinas and Latinx Young Adults Center Their Stories

Anti-Racist Educators and Relationship-Centered Restorative Schools

Black Women - Hair, Identity, and Bodily Autonomy

Examining Social and Emotional Learning through an Equity & Identity Lens

Indigenous Artists Speak Out

Othering and Belonging with John A Powell

Why English Class is Silencing Students of Color

Black History is American History

Black Women - Hair, Identity, and Bodily Autonomy

Clarissa Uprooted: Youth and Elders Uncover the History of Black Rochester

Language Barriers and Child Translators

Othering and Belonging with John A Powell

The Great Migration – Isabel Wilkerson

The Story and Implication of Seizing LA’s Bruce Beach from its Black Owners

Tulsa Race Massacre Survivors Testify


Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DeAngelo

Missing White Women Parts 1 & 2

Othering and Belonging with John A Powell

Segregation in the Rochester City School District & Justin Murphy

Using Latina, Latino, Latine or LatinX

Using the Term BIPOC

White People Must Do Their Own Work in Anti-Racism and Social Justice


At Work, Who Gets Heard and Who Gets Seen

Othering and Belonging with John A Powell

American Latinos, Latinas and Latinx Young Adults Center Their Stories

Black History is American History

Black Women - Hair, Identity, and Bodily Autonomy

Clarissa Uprooted: Youth and Elders Uncover the History of Black Rochester

Edison Tech Youth Document Structural Racism in Rochester Housing and the Effects Today; Biden's 2021 Executive Orders

Language Barriers and Child Translators

Microaggressions in School Part 1

Microaggressions in School Part 2