SEL Resources and Tools

A Crosswalk Between NYSED’s SEL Benchmarks, NYSED’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework, and Learning for Justice’s Social Justice Standards

Developed in partnership with Penfield Central School District, this document crosswalks the new state SEL Benchmarks with NYSED’s Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education Framework and Learning for Justice’s Social Justice Standards. This resource highlights where the three frameworks align and overlap. Our hope is that this document will help educators to see how teaching SEL can contribute to creating environments where all students and staff understand and value their own and others' identities, experiences, and perspectives.

Read the blog: Inclusion vs. Belonging: What’s the Difference and How can SEL Help?

View the resource


Implementing NYSED’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework
Resources for PreK-2nd Grade Teachers

This user-friendly resource integrates social and emotional learning and equity practices and demonstrates how they can, together, be woven throughout the schedules and routines of the early childhood school day. Designed to support the use of, and adherence to the New York State Department of Education’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework (CRSEF), this resource is a collaboration by educators from Children’s Institute, Greece Central School District, and Webster School District, and was underwritten by the Greater Rochester Health Foundation.

Through curated teaching tools, children’s books, articles, videos, and podcasts, this resource supports PreK-2nd grade staff in the successful integration of the CRSEF’s grounding principles and practices during:  SEL Throughout the Day, Mornings and Transitions, Reading and ELA, Science, Math, and Special Areas.

View the resource



SEL and Equity

A Celebration of Hispanic Heritage and Hope!

A Crosswalk Between NYSED’s SEL Benchmarks, NYSED’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework, and Learning for Justice’s Social Justice Standards

Black History Activities for Every Month! - Month 1

Black History Activities for Every Month! - Month 2

Black History is Our History- Sharing resources that connect SEL to Black history - Create a History Jar

Black History is Our History- Sharing resources that connect SEL to Black history throughout the year (Blog)

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. with Elementary Students

Cross-Culturally Relevant Activities

Exploring SEL with an Equity Lens

Rescue Recess and SEL Day

SEL and ELA for Young Children-Featured Book: Testing the Ice: A True Story about Jacki Robinson

SEL, ELA, and Positive Identity

Talking to Children and Youth About Racism and Associated Violence - Dr. Todd Savage

Webinar Discussion Guide: How Do I Not Raise the Next Amy Cooper - a Discussion Between embracerace and Dr. Jennifer Harvey

Webinar Discussion Guide: I |LS|STILL|RS| Can't Breathe: Supporting Kids Amid Racialized Violence - a Discussion Between embracerace and Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smith

Whole Child Connection Anti-Racist Statement

Recommended Resources

Authentic Family Partnerships

Building Equity in Your Teaching Practice



Classroom Practices

Books At Your Finger Tips - Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph became the World’s Fastest Runner

Classroom Activities Printable Cards

Connections Between Social Emotional Learning and Restorative Practices

Defining Success for Your Students - Video

Engaging Practices: Strategies That Integrate Academic Content and SEL

Engaging Practices: Strategies That Integrate Academic Content and SEL v2

Including the Student Voice in Planning

Morning Meeting Prompts That Support SEL and ELA

Relationships Matter: Engaging Activities for Returning to School

Relationships Matter: Welcoming Ritual Prompts

SELday 2023: Engaging Practices

SELday 2023: Optimistic Closures

SELday 2023: Warm Welcomes

Strategy Tool: Engaging Practice Strategies

Strategy Tool: Optimistic Closure Strategies

The Power of Story Telling

Using Music to Support SEL

Youth Leader Recommendations: Get to Know You Activities

Youth Leader Tips: Developing Classroom Expectations Agreements

Creating Inclusive Classroom Communities

SEL, ELA, & Positive Identity

Engaging Practices

Youth Voice Strategy Sheet

Pre-K and Elementary - Warm Welcomes

En Espanol

1 page Regresando a la educación secundaria y preparatoria  durante la pandemia de COVID-19 Middle High School Spanish

1 pg Regresar a la educación preescolar y primaria durante la pandemia de COVID-19 PreK Elementary Spanish

Regresando a la educación secundaria y preparatoria  durante la pandemia de COVID-19 Middle High School Spanish

Regresar a la educación preescolar y primaria durante la pandemia de COVID-19 PreK Elementary Spanish

Recommended Resources

Integrating SEL and Academics in Every Grade

SEL in the Classroom Self Assessment


School and Program-wide Practices

A Note on Service Learning

Beat the Clock - Indoor Physical Activity

Calming Childrens' Holiday Activities

Culturally Responsive Education - Thoughts for Getting Started

Family Engagement Checklist

SEL Recommendations and Resources for Virtual and Hybrid Learning

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Practices to Enhance Athlete Performance

Taking Away Recess - Shifting Mindset Away from Compliance, Toward Productivity

Recommended Resources

From a Nation at Risk to a Nation at Hope

New York State SEL Benchmarks

Schoolwide SEL Implementation Resource


Youth Leadership

Visit the Youth Voices Aren't Too Little: We Are Today's Tomorrow page to watch the May 20, 2021 event, read a blog featuring Rochester youth responses, and listen to an interview with a Rochester youth leader along with other youth voices.

Listen to our Youth Leadership Council (YLC) members share how two SEL practices – Warm Welcomes or “openings” and Optimistic Closures or “closings” – have impacted how their group has built community and made a difference in how they connect, learn important life skills, and ground their work as they lead and elevate youth voice together.
Video 1   Video 2


Direct Instruction in SEL

Character Development Map

Getting Started with Mindfulness

NYS SEL Benchmarks

On Mindfulness, with Erica Ebert

What is the Pyramid Model?

Recommended Resources

(Video) SEL Direct Instruction


Supporting Adult SEL

Dealing With Anxiety In Uncertain Times

Rising Teacher Stress and How SEL Can Help

Recommended Resources

Leading Together - SEL for Adults

The Cult of Pedagogy: Social Emotional Learning - Not Just for Kids


For Parents, Families, and Caregivers

Books that Support Social and Emotional Learning

Collaborating with Caregivers: Family Handbook

Collaborating with Caregivers: Family Handbook (Spanish/en Espanol)

Keeping on Keeping on While Preparing for the Future: Supporting Your Own and Your Children’s Social and Emotional Well-Being During Continued Uncertainty

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) flyer

Recommended Resources

10 Ways Parents Can Bring Social Emotional Learning Home

(Video) SEL for Parents

(Video en espanol) SEL para las familias

Social Emotional Learning Strategies for Parents

Community Check-In Conversation Series

Join us and others in our community to simply listen, support, and connect. Virtual Community Check-Ins are a series of virtual community discussions intended to foster human connection and inform our anticipation of needs as we navigate an unprecedented time.