- Social and emotional skills include the ability to:
- Identify and understand ones emotions
- Set and achieve goals
- Manage stress
- Understand others' perspectives
- Form positive relationships
- Make good decisions
- Identify and solve problems
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process to help children and adults develop strong social and emotional skills so they can become healthy, productive workers and engaged citizens.
- Children with strong social and emotional skills often have:
- Improved possibilities for school success
- Reduced incidence of social isolation
- Improved self-esteem
- Lowered risk of negative body image
- Reduced depressive symptoms
- Resources for more information on social and emotional development:
Whole Child Connection of Children's Institute
“Social and emotional learning.” Edutopia
http://www.edutopia.org/social-emotional-learningVanderbilt Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/index.html“Social and Emotional Learning: What is it? How can we use it to help our children?” NYU Child Study Center
Whole Child Connection
The Whole Child Connection of Children's Institute offers training and professional development to meet the needs of your students and school. Contact us for more information.