Diane Trentini featured in April 2024 RES Magazine

CI's Director of Organizational Transformation, Diane Trentini, is being featured in this month's 'Rochester Engineer' magazine, published by the Rochester Engineering Society. Diane has been an RES member since 2005, and has volunteered as a board director, board president, and on a variety of committees. She was honored as Engineer of the Year in 2016.
At Children's Institute, Diane wears several hats, leaning into her experience in leadership, solution development and delivery, marketing, sales, and quality. She digs in at all levels, providing organizational transformation leadership through holistic change initiatives and quality system efforts, including foundational process definition, solution innovations, and agile implementations. She teams with others to lead agency level communications and marketing, fosters external relations and development, and supports data and technology solution implementation. Over the last 3 years she managed efforts to implement Children’s Institute’s strategies to achieve progress on four strategic priorities: Cultural Humility, Thought Partnership, Mission-centered Revenue, and Process & Technology. Diane is also engaged directly in support of programs and services such as Get Ready to GROW, and has been busy supporting a variety of improvements including the new brand refresh and optimizing the St. Paul facility that CI now calls home. We see her engineering background in the work she does.
See https://issuu.com/greggdowski/docs/2024_may_re_final/16 for the full member profile.