Everyday SEL: Being Grateful

At the start of our Programs & Services area staff meeting yesterday, I stood at the head of the table – pausing, looking and listening to the incredible team getting settled – checking in, laughing, sighing, deep breaths – taking a few moments to be together and recognize that we are in the fall season that brings a demanding focus and intense service to schools, agencies and communities. Significant work is already accomplished and it’s only the beginning of the new school year!
The people on this team are experts in their own fields and leading collectively -- all pointing toward our mission – Children’s Institute equips and supports those who work with children to ensure the success of every child. The Programs & Services team embodies this mission daily. As the leader of this area, my heart is full and I am incredibly happy to work with this team dependably dedicated to children’s well-being.
To learn more about the work done at Children’s Institute, click here.
Lauri Strano, Director of Programs and Services