National Certification Call for More Reviewers
We are looking to expand our pool of Primary Project National Certification reviewers. If you have a desire to have a deeper understanding and knowledge of program implementation outside of your own district, then this may be for you!
Primary Project National Certification is a process whereby schools can be recognized for implementing the program with fidelity and receive suggestions to further strengthen the program. Behind the scenes is a cast of reviewers who have a solid understanding of Primary Project and best practices for the program. During this process, a site visitor/endorser writes a report detailing how the school is implementing the program with regard to the 6 core components and how they align with best practices. This report is de-identified and sent out to reviewers who read the report and respond about whether or not they agree with the endorser’s recommendation.

If you think this is something you are interested in exploring further. Below are some expectations for the position:
- This is a volunteer position.
- The reviewer should be in a school based mental health professional role or program coordinator role.
- Reviewers should have at least 3 years of experience with Primary Project. They should possess a solid understanding of the program along with how it is implemented with fidelity in schools.
- We typically ask reviewers to read 2-3 reports a year.
- If asked to read a report during a busy time, a reviewer can decline.
- It generally takes about 20 minutes to read a report and get back to Children’s Institute by email, usually within 2 weeks, about whether or not the reviewer agrees with the endorser’s certification recommendation. Occasionally, a reviewer may ask questions about a report which are answered in a timely manner.
For more information, or to be added to our pool of reviewers for this spring 2024, please reach out to Arlene Bobin at by January 31st, 2024!