Youth Perspective: Welcome Everyone

What’s in a name? … Why are they important?
Our names are an incredibly important part of our identity.
They carry deep personal, cultural, familial, and historical connections.
They also give us a sense of who we are, the communities in which we belong, and our place in the world.
–Iman Baobeid, University of British Columbia, Equity & Inclusion Office
Resources and narrative by: Cynthia and Jacob, Youth Leadership Council Members
It’s important to start the school year off by making sure everyone feels comfortable, accepted, and welcomed when adjusting to new classroom environments. Starting with using a student’s last name can help them feel comfortable to share what name and pronoun they want to be used. This could be a nickname or chosen name which allows students to choose what feels right and share when they are ready. Name activities can help you get to know your students and can teach respect and acceptance when building relationships with people who have different backgrounds.
Reminder: Check in with students throughout the school year so they can feel comfortable sharing any name or pronoun changes. Always allow the student to have a choice in how and when they would like any changes to be shared with their peers.
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