Vision Providers
Following is a list of pediatric eye doctors in the Rochester area who will see children under the age of five (5).
Dr. Matthew Gearinger
Benjamin Hammond
Flaum: 276-3651
Flaum Eye Institute
Eye Clinic
601 Elmwood Avenue
(585) 273-3937
Other insurance
(BCO, Excellus BC/BS, etc.)
Flaum Eye Clinic
Strong Memorial Hospital
601 Elmwood Ave
(585) 273-3937
Roch. General Eye Clinic
Riedman Health Center
1455 East Ridge Rd
(585) 922-4315
Vadim Guy, OD
Family Vision Center
1425 Jefferson Road
(585) 427-0780
Clint Sugnet, OD
Alexander Eye Associates
261 Alexander Street
(585) 325-3070
Kevin Wynne, OD
Wynne Eye Associates
56 State Street, Pittsford
(585) 381-4640
Kim Rosati, OD
Mark Parsons, OD
Reed Eye Associates
500 Kreag Road
(585) 249-8300
Donald Tingley, MD
Gary Markowitz, MD
Brighton - 919 Westfall Road, Bldg A, Suite 205
(585) 244-2580
Greece - 2 Greece Center Drive
(585) 225-7060
Penfield - 10 Hagen Drive, Suite 220
(585) 586-2020
Webster - 1015 Ridge Road
(585) 872-1300
For specific eye conditions only:
Benjamin Hammond, MD
Flaum Eye Institute (Strong)
601 Elmwood Avenue
(585) 276-3651
Outside of the Rochester area:
William Lapple, OD
Place Eye Care
8663 East Main Road
(585) 538-6435
Matthew Gearinger, MD
Flaum Eye Institute
738 Pre Emption Road
(315) 789-4922
Laura Dugo, OD
Eye Care Center
784 Pre Emption Road
(315) 789-7337
Jillian Bolton, OD
Eye Care Center
325 West Street
(585) 394-2020
If your child does not have medical insurance call (585) 697-5738 for a FREE eye exam!
Early Vision Screening, a program of Vision Wellness & Preventive Services at:
Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired (ABVI)
500 South Clinton Avenue, Rochester, New York 14620
(585) 697-5738