Associate-Child Rating Scale (A-CRS)


Associate-Child Rating Scale (A-CRS)



    The Associate-Child Rating Scale (A-CRS) is a 20-item child-rating instrument that assesses both a child's relative strengths and weaknesses compared to other program-referred children. It is completed by the service provider. The A-CRS can assist in determining both individual priorities and program goals, and, when used in conjunction with other Children's Institute measures, the A-CRS may be used to assess a child's progress.

    *Children's Institute is no longer providing scoring services. The COMET® Data Management System supports this; for more information and pricing, visit

    Qualifying students may request research use of our assessment measures. Click here to submit a request.

     Four A-CRS scales examine the following domains:

    • Participation/initiative
    • Limit-testing, acting-out
    • Shy/anxious, withdrawn behaviors
    • Self-confidence, frustration tolerance


    Grades: PreK-6
    Administration: Service provider
    Norms: Standardized on a nationally representative sample 

    The COMET® Data Management System provides these instruments along with many other, customized e-instruments and reports. For more information and pricing, visit

    For questions or further assistance, please contact customer service at (585) 295-1000, ext. 221.