Manager of Professional Learning, Whole Child Connection
- Work with an amazing team to support and build the capacity of adults in a variety of communities and settings so they are best equipped to effectively create the antiracist and equitable environments necessary for whole child healthy development
- Oversee the Whole Child Connection training approach; researching, developing, customizing, reviewing, facilitating, and evaluating trainings and content
- Provide consultation and coaching services to schools, districts, and programs for the successful implementation of social and emotional learning using a whole child approach
- Co-lead the development of our youth council to learn with and from youth, elevate youth voice, and provide youth leadership opportunities
- Increase awareness about antiracism and equity and work to end institutional racism within our workspace
- Acknowledge my own bias and blind spots in creating content and resources; continue to listen, unlearn and learn; be more intentional in creating equitable and antiracist content and resources
- Social justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion - and learning as much as I can from as many different voices as I can hear, read, or meet with
- Children and youth - love their energy, honesty, and possibility
- Spending time with my amazing family and friends
- Traveling, adventures, and meeting new people
- Reading and learning new things
- I studied abroad in Wales and made the news about two weeks after I arrived when the group I was with became stranded and had to be rescued from Worm’s Head, when the tide came in
- I solo hiked to the top of Twin Sisters Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park, summer 2019