CI SEL Resource Day!

CI SEL Resource Day!

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Dear Teachers,

I know you love teaching, work tirelessly, and strive to make a difference. Yet, it often feels like you can't take on one more thing. When I speak with teachers about Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), I frequently hear, "I know it's important and beneficial, but I only have time for SEL activities once or twice a week." Upper grade teachers often say, "I barely have time to cover all the academic content before testing season at the end of the school year. I can't fit anything else into my 50-minute class."

In recognition of #SELday, I want to ease your mind and share 13 strategies that will allow you to have fun with your students, reinforce content, and integrate opportunities to develop their SEL skills.

Today is #CISEL Resource Day!

Click for this resource on Engaging Practices: Strategies That Integrate Academic Content and SEL.

Explore and try them!


Dawn Breitung

Assistant Director, Whole Child Connection

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