Holiday Toy Drive 2021

Help make the holidays brighter for the schools and childcare centers that we support!
Is your company or department looking for a holiday project that will support children? We would love you to hold a holiday collection drive for us! Children’s Institute supports teachers and childcare workers with programs and services for young children’s social-emotional health and wellbeing. We are collecting the following items for our programs in schools and childcare centers:
- Blocks (wooden or foam), Legos, and Lincoln Logs
- Play kitchen accessories
- Construction paper, markers, and crayons
- Doll families (with sensitivity to different ethnicities)
- Tubes of dinosaurs, animals, insects, or other collections
You can order on Amazon* and have it delivered directly to our office at:
Children's Institute
274 N. Goodman Street, Suite D103
Rochester, NY 14607
Or contact Diane Trentini at (585) 295-1000 x230 to schedule a time to drop off toys. We would like to receive items by December 17.
*Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Log in to AmazonSmile using your normal Amazon account. Choose Children’s Institute as your charity.