Kids & Trucks 2017 Is Almost Here!

Pretend you’re six years old… then think about what you want to be when you grow up. It may be a professional athlete, whatever your parents do for a living, or something you see on TV. Your imagination is limitless – maybe a circus performer, a cashier at Wegmans, or even a truck driver.
Kids & Trucks, Children’s Institute’s annual fall event, gives young children that first taste of what may be in their future. Climbing into a fire truck and seeing all the different ladders and hoses, honking the horn of a semi-tractor trailer, or seeing all the equipment in the back of an ambulance give children the chance to see themselves doing that job. One small child was amazed that there were actually jobs that required you to dig in the dirt all day (with a very cool mini-excavator)!
Play is a critical piece of a young child’s development and Children’s Institute sees imagination at work throughout this event. But, here’s a little secret… some of the parents are pretty excited to check out vehicles that they’ve never been in before. We love the “young at heart” crowd too!
We invite everyone to come climb aboard & explore, beep a few horns and share in all the excitement. For more information visit our website at We hope to see you there!