Our Final #SELday shoutout!

Our Final #SELday shoutout!

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Parents and caregivers, you are doing an amazing job!

At CI, we often emphasize that “parents are a child’s first teacher.” Throughout this #SELday week-long celebration, as we’ve engaged with schools, early childhood sites, and families, it’s clear that you are making a significant impact.

In our final shout-out for the #SELday Skills for Success – Ready for the Future celebration, we want to honor parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and all caregivers for helping the children in your lives develop essential life skills through Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Below are a few resources that may be helpful as you continue to prepare children for the future.

Here are the resources!

What is Social and Emotional Learning?

Building Empathy and Confidence

Helping My Child: Stress & Anxiety

SEL, ELA  & Positive Identity

What Could You Do? - Coloring Sheet

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