Recent Highlights - June 2022

May 2022: The gardens in the Neighborhood of the Arts (NOTA) look beautiful thanks to many hands who rolled up their sleeves to help on United Way’s Day of Caring. Our staff generously shared their time to make a difference in our neighborhood and for children in this way!

May 2022: Get Ready to GROW is expanding! The Get Ready to GROW team screened over 50 children in Corning, NY. Sites visited included Great Beginnings, Corning Children’s Center, and Erwin. The team also visited the Golisano Autism Center, read the blog post.

March, April 2022: Earl Greene, MA, CAMS-1/Fellow, ACT Certified Trainer, Director of Family Engagement and Equity presented:
• "Courageous Conversation: Your DEI Journey" hosted by the New York AEYC DEI Committee
• Keynote "Interrupting Racism Through the Lens of Cultural Humility"
March 2022: Children’s Institute celebrated International SEL Day! View resources for educators, family members, and caregivers.
March 2022: Read our blog on the Project LAUNCH, Parent-led Young Child Wellness Council Family Event, held at the Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives Center in Rochester - an amazing group effort supported by many of our community partners and members.
February 2022: The Whole Child Connection shared Black History Month activities and resources that highlight the accomplishments and contributions Black leaders have made in creating the world we live in.

January 2022: Children's Institute is a team member organization for the Systems Integration Project (SIP) led by the United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes; our staff participates in a variety of workgroups. The SIP is featured as one of ESL’s “Stories that Lift Us Up” and is about:
• Creating a Future Shaped by Communities & Neighborhoods
• Making Better Decisions by Using Community Data
• Coordinating Services for Better Outcomes
• Introducing Preventive Strategies to Stop Poverty Before It Starts

January-April 2022: Whole Child Connection held two virtual multi-session learning series that focused on the integration of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) with two new content areas.
- The SEL and Racial Equity Media Study was an 8-part series dedicated to deepening participants’ understanding of racial equity on an interpersonal, cultural, and systemic level. Tailored to the needs, interests, and challenges of participants, the series provided an intimate growth space of support catered to individuals and the group’s journey. Learn more about or register for our upcoming series beginning in October 2022.
- Twenty athletic coaches from around Monroe County participated in an 8-part learning series, SEL for Athletic Coaches. This series focused on implementing practices found in the SEL Practices to Enhance Athlete Performance tool kit, recently developed by Children’s Institute staff through funding from the Rochester Area Community Foundation. Participating coaches explored core SEL practices that can strengthen relationships and support development of athlete skills areas such as: Self-awareness and -management, responsible decision making, and goal setting which can lead to improved athletic performance. If you are interested in registering for our upcoming series scheduled for Fall 2022, contact Andrea Bertucci for registration details.
Whole Child Connection has also been working with three Monroe County school districts on revisions to their Code of Conduct documents. Our team is providing facilitation of district-wide workgroups and consultation on the integration of Social Emotional Learning, Trauma Informed, Culturally Responsive, and Restorative Practices into school-wide systems.