Comprehensive screenings to complement your patient care.
Get Ready to GROW ('GROW') screenings help you get a holistic view of a child’s developmental progress to help identify specific and actionable steps to get them back on THEIR track.
GROW helps families see past struggles and obstacles - to discover an opportunity to let their child’s greatness grow.
Become a Get Ready to GROW partnering provider!
Get Ready to GROW is not a competitor - we are your partner!
- Screenings go further than most providers are able to in a typical well visit, looking at speech and language, movement, thinking and reasoning, and social-emotional development.
- Get Ready to GROW creates a 360 degree view of a child’s development, supported by a navigator that connects parents, schools, childcare and practices.
- Screenings are quick, easy and fun for children. They are offered in a variety of ways (virtual, out in community and at your office) that help reduce barriers for families and increase follow through.
- The Get Ready to GROW screening model can be integrated into your practice and create a closed-loop referral process that ensures your patients don’t fall through the cracks.
Providers and families are already seeing the impact these screenings can have on a child’s development.
Dr. Sarah Collins-McGowan, Pediatrician with Rochester Regional Health at Genesee Pediatrics and the Center for Refugee Health noted, “Get Ready to GROW screenings are more comprehensive than what I would normally be able to do in the office, and provides links to services and navigation support not typically available. It’s so easy to work with the GROW team as a provider. They figured out what our office needed and personalized processes for maximum efficiency and value.” She reflected further on the impact of GROW. “I had a parent that was really concerned about her child being ‘labeled’. She opened up to our practice and began to trust our processes. With GROW she received quick evaluation results, talked with supportive, non-judgemental, knowledgeable specialists, and learned to move past her barriers and obtain services for her daughter, probably at least a year earlier than waiting for school screenings. This was a real success. Actually, if it was available earlier, I would have jumped at the chance to have my children checked by the GROW team.”
“My initial thought when I found out that Gabby did not pass her vision screening was worry and fear that my daughter would have damaged eye sight for life. The eye exam examination by the eye doctor helped pinpoint exactly what was wrong with Gabby's vision. I did not know that she had an astigmatism and that she needed glasses to correct it. When she wears her glasses her behavior seems to be more focused, now she does not need to sit so close to the television, and she seems more interested in school work. I am very thankful for the Early Vision Screening program. Without it my daughter's vision would not have been corrected.”
Leah* is an active three-year-old who loves preschool. Her mom reported that she sometimes did not pay attention when she was told to do something. Mom thought it was a behavior issue and that she needed to be disciplined. After being screened by GROW at her preschool, it was discovered that Leah had a potential hearing issue that needed further testing by a specialist. The doctor found the issue and Leah had tubes put in both ears. Her mom told the preschool that she had no idea that her daughter had trouble hearing and was grateful that it was diagnosed and treated quickly.
"I don't know if I could have paid for the testing, so it was great that GROW could give my son a free screening."
*Name has been changed.
If you provide care to children ages 1-5 years, consider partnering with Get Ready to GROW…
Available in Monroe County and the Finger Lakes region.
Connect with us to learn more and bring Get Ready to GROW screenings to your practice.
Get Ready to GROW is a collaborative…
Get Ready to GROW is a community initiative partnering across education, health, and human services.
GROW is enabled by contributions from community partners including direct screening partners, funders, subject matter experts, and suppliers.