
A summer recipe for healing and renewal, joy, and…staying in the fight! …What is your recipe?

I’m exhausted, how about you? As I sat down to write the quarterly letter to go out with our June newsletter, I found myself asking – what do people need to hear right now?

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Broken Hearts: The Trauma of Racial Violence

Our hearts are broken for the city of Buffalo today, where a white supremacist opened fire at a Tops market on Saturday, killing 10 and injuring 3. Eleven of the victims were African American, including a 77-year-old grandmother who ran a food pantry, and an 86-year-old woman who was simply shopping for her husband who she is taking care of.

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Grieving Buffalo

Unfolding is the grief, tragic loss, fear, anger, and pain from witnessing the racially motivated mass murder in Buffalo this weekend. We begin as we simply can - even when words fail to capture our feelings - by supporting one another, and by embracing our Western NY to world families left now to confront the horror of this act.

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RECAP Annual Report, 2020-21

RECAP, which stands for the Rochester Early Childhood Assessment Partnership, has been a core component of our work at Children’s Institute for the past three decades.

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Get Ready to GROW Visits Golisano Autism Center

On Sunday, May 1, 2022, the sun was shining, and families were smiling at the PBS KIDS Day at Golisano Autism Center, and the Get Ready to GROW team was there!

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Community Breakfast and Coterie Award Celebration

On Thursday morning, April 28, 2022, Children’s Institute (CI) held a celebratory Community Breakfast at Rochester’s beautiful Century Club.

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Project LAUNCH, Parent-led Young Child Wellness Council Family Event

A special thank you to everyone who supported our first Project LAUNCH, Parent-led Young Child Wellness Council Family Event, recently held at the Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives Center on East Main Street, Rochester.

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Children’s Institute Recognizes and Celebrates International SEL Day!

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process of developing those social and emotional skills that are essential for success in school, work, and life!

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Children's Institute Welcomes Mahreen Mustafa George

Mahreen Mustafa George has joined Children’s Institute on Monday, February 28, 2022, as Associate Director of Equity and School Services.

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14 January 2022
The Power of Play

I was reminded of the positive impact that play can have during a recent trip to the grocery store...

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