
1 February 2023
Inclusion vs. Belonging: What’s the Difference and How can SEL Help?

I was recently scrolling through my LinkedIn feed and an image popped up with a quote from Dr. Muna Abdi - “It is not inclusion if you invite people into a space you are unwilling to change.”

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3 January 2023
A Message From Our Executive Director - December 2022

The holiday season ushers in the New Year where we look at how far we have come to know where we will aim to go next. In this issue of News and Views, we do the same and invite you to share some highlights of our experiences in both the recent summer and current fall seasons.

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3 January 2023
Recent Highlights - December 2022

Recent Highlights - December 2022

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13 December 2022
Children's Institute Welcomes New Board Members

Children’s Institute welcomed two new Board Members to a three-year term. Each volunteer member brings a unique set of expertise, experience, and perspectives that will enhance the Board's commitment to our mission: Joining together to raise every child’s complete wellbeing.

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28 October 2022
Gold Award for Team Excellence! GRQC 2022 Performance Excellence Awards

Children’s Institute’s Get Ready to GROW team was honored with a Gold Award for Team Excellence – Get Ready to GROW Referrals: Let’s “Close the Loop!”

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28 September 2022
Youth Voice: Malaz Hassan

Our ability to develop meaningful relationships is an essential part of our social and emotional development. Take a moment to reflect on a meaningful relationship in your life.

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28 September 2022
As you start this school year, bring all of you to work

Happy September! It’s fall, that time of transition and change when the blogs and newsletters are all about fresh starts and clean slates. However, this is not that kind of message. In fact, this is a message about bringing your whole self with you, baggage and all, into this new school year.

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As Summer Wanes, Reconnecting

Children’s Institute (CI) always enjoys ramping up our work as the summer wanes. It is at that time that our team gets to reconnect with school staff and youth and focus on our mission: Joining together to raise every child’s complete wellbeing and our vision: Supportive communities where every family can raise children who thrive as they live, learn, and play.

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QSNY Update and Welcome to New CI Employee Krista Nicolaisen

QUALITYstarsNY (QSNY) is a large project that has been on hold during COVID. It is New York’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) for early childhood programs, providing support and resources to improve and sustain high quality across New York State: New York’s Quality Rating & Improvement System - QUALITYstarsNY.

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Leading with Love

Last weekend, I gathered with lay faith members of communities across Rochester with whom I have gathered monthly for a year. It was our final class. We were celebrating our accomplishments together as a community that cares about mental health, in this intentional learning community of Renewing of the Mind’s (RoM).

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